Majority, Maturity and Marriage – Cultural Divorce Part XIII, is part of Abbas Hadjian’s CULTURALLY SPEAKING Series Published In The Daily Journal.
In litigating “Majority,” the California age of eighteen (18) is not the only absolute or final threshold. Children born and naturalized out of non-California marriages are subject to the rights and obligations under the public policies of their Home State. This legal duality will impact the outcome of a California divorce, which is unacceptable or enforceable in other jurisdictions. In handling the status of a “Minor Child” in California, exploring the alternatives to eighteen (18) is a professional responsibility before advising the clients or the court.
Hadjian, Abbas. (2023, October 9). Cultural Divorce, Part XIII: Majority, Maturity and Marriage. The Daily Journal. Reprinted with permission from the Daily Journal. © 2023 Daily Journal Corporation. All rights reserved.
Abbas Hadjian, CFLS, AAML, IAFL is an expert in Iranian Law and Documents, and the founder of Cultural Competency in Family Law Practice and Dowry – Mahr in U.S. Courts.